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Opportunities to Serve

Stewardship is about time, talent, and treasures. We value the myriad of ways that people give as we embody Christ’s love and serve at Christ Lutheran and beyond.

Each Sunday our worship happens because of the numerous people who volunteer to serve. There are many opportunities to offer your gifts and talents to help create meaningful worship for all who attend. From greeters and ushers to lectors, healing ministers and musicians, there is a place for you to use your gifts. We invite you to contact the church office or talk to a staff member.

Serving in our Community
We believe in living out our faith in word and deed and so take part in benevolence, action and advocacy on behalf of our neighbors near and far, in the pursuit of a better world for all God’s creation.
We are connected to numerous local, national and international organizations that address the most pressing issues of our day, including, but not limited to: world hunger, food insecurity, poverty, homelessness, the abuse of women and children, human trafficking. You can see some of these organizations listed under “About Us” and then “Outreach.” We know the examples Jesus gives in Matthew 25 and whole-heartedly strive to respond to the question, “what would Jesus do?”
We have a giving focus each month of the year which highlights one particular organization and effort. We invite you to contact the church office or talk to a staff member about current opportunities available.